The season when cyclamen growing wild out of rocks in Cyprus!


One of the most beautiful places to enjoy cyclamens in Cyprus are the rocky foothills above the Baths of Aphrodite, where blooming carpets of the Autumn Cyclamen flow down from the top, opening a great view of the sea.

It is the time of year that the Cyclamen is in all its glory … It grows on shaded calcareous or igneous rocks, steep hillsides and streambanks, usually under trees and shrubs from 50 to 1200 m above sea level.

Despite it’s fragile beauty, small stem and pale pink petals fluttering in the breeze, year in year out they are back, resilient to the summer heat and impervious to the winter cold. After flowering, the seed pods split and tiny seeds scatter. Every winter new plants make their way towards the sun, between cracks and corners. Cyclamen is protected, flower picking is prohibited. Leaving it alone has allowed them to multiply, as a result we find them in the most amazing spots! One of these spots is this beautiful site of cyclamen growing on these cement steps of this typical village house in Peristerona.  As one drives towards Ithaki is impossible to miss it, literally they are growing in the street!  I could not resist stopping to take a photograph.

Reading about the Cyclamen I discovered and discovered something very interesting. That in the language of love, giving a cyclamen expresses sincere feelings. It is a plant of lasting feelings and sincere affection. Thanks to its tuber, which allows it to withstand difficult conditions, the cyclamen is the flower of deep love. In the language of flowers, giving someone a cyclamen expresses love and sincere tenderness.

In 2006 the endemic Cyprus Cyclamen (Cyclamen Cyprium Kotschy), was designated as the national plant of Cyprus by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic.

Do put on your walking shoes and rejoice in the absolute splendor of the great outdoors at this time of the year, gorgeous rock cyclamen wonder (not only!) awaiting to awe you!

Photos: Eleni Stavrou Costea
